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Proverbs #5 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse. Proverbs 2:12

- Wisdom智慧
- Save 拯救
- You你
- from從
- ways行為
- wicked邪惡的
- men男人
- Words話語
- Perverse不正當的、墮落的

sharing time分享時間
Now let’s have some discussion time. 現在我們來進入一段討論時間。
What are the ways of wicked men?惡人的道像甚麼?
There are many sins that are mentioned in the Bible, like the ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus in the new Testament.聖經提到很多種的罪,例如十誡、還有新約裡耶穌的教導。
I am sure that all of us are guilty of some of them. 我可以確定的是我們所有人都犯了一些罪。
Does that make us wicked?這樣就使我們變成邪惡了嗎?Actually, the key is in our attitude. 事實上,關鍵在於我們的態度。When we realize we have done wrong things, do we continue to do them or do we try to change? 當我們知道我們已經做錯了事情,我們要持續做還是要改變呢?We also need to have wisdom to distinguish good from evil according to the verse.根據今天的聖經,我們也需要有智慧來分辨對錯。So we know how to stay away from evil through good judgment.所以我們能透過好的判斷來使自己遠離罪惡。However, the Bible says we are all sinners, but God still loves us. 然而聖經說我們都是罪人,但是上帝還是愛我們。
So remember, even if you are trying and have not overcome all your weaknesses. God still loves you.所以要記得,即使你很努力之後還是還沒有完全勝過你的軟弱,上帝還是愛你的。

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