Nai-publish 5 buwan kanina sa Iba pa

English 002

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Proverbs #2 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Proverbs1:8

- Listen聽
- Instruction命令或指示
- do not不要
- forsake放棄
- teaching教導

sharing time分享時間
Question: My parentshave less education than I do, should I still listen to them? 我爸媽的教育程度比我低,我還是要聽他們嗎?

Answer: According to the scripture we should still listen to our parents. There are many things that our parents can teach us besides knowledge found in books.Oftentimes, they have more experience in life or relationships. Also, our parents love us so even if we do not always agree with the things they say.We should remember that they care about us.What if our parents tell us to do things we know are bad? In these situations, we should honor God first and follow His commands. If we have these types of disagreements with our parents, we should do what is right and pray that God helps us have wisdom to communicate with our parents.

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