주의 십자가 Precious Cross 敬拜MV - 讚美之泉韓文敬拜讚美專輯 祢是何等榮美

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주의 십자가
by Stream of Praise

예수님 감사해요
날 위해 십자가 지사
어둠 가운데 방황하던 삶에
빛으로 비추심을

예수님 감사해요
날 위해 보혈 흘리사
치유의 강물 내게 흘러 넘쳐
내게 참 자유 주심을

찬양하리 놀라운 주의 십자가
내게 새 생명을 주셨네
변치않는 주의 사랑의 언약되사
나에게 구원 주셨도다

Precious Cross
by Stream of Praise

Thank You Lord, You died for me
With love, You gave Your life for me
Brought me from darkness into the world of light
Opened my eyes to see

Praise You Lord, Your love for me
Your blood of grace flows over me
Your tender mercy pours down from Calvary
Your love has set me so free

The precious Cross, by its pow'r I am set free
With my all, I worship at Your feet
Your saving grace, so secure in this promise of old
It's Your love unchanging for me

Stream of Praise Music Ministries
1165 Warner Ave
Tustin, CA 92780

If you are interested in the album, go to http://storeen.sop.org/p/1133

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