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English 004

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Proverbs #4 The Lord holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless. Proverbs2:7

- The Lord主
- Holds保留
- Victory 勝利
- in store留給
- upright正直
- shield盾牌
- Walk走路 (行為)
- Blameless純正 (blame怪罪)

sharing time分享時間
Does it mean that the upright will always win?這是表示正直人一定都會得勝嗎?都會贏嗎?

First we can talk about victory. 首先我們來談談勝利這件事
What is victory? 甚麼是勝利?Victory means winning.勝利的意思就是贏。 In your life, when you do the right thing, do you always win?在你的生命中,如果你作對的事的時候,你總是會贏嗎? I know at times for me, I am sorry to say, it doesn’t always feel like it. 我知道對我而言,我很難過的必須說,事情並不總是如此。So why does the Bible say this? 那麼聖經為什麼這樣說呢? Winning in the world is different from winning spiritually. 它的意思是,在世界上的勝利,是不同於屬靈方面的勝利,The Bible says when we are his children and try to live upright lives, we will gain the ultimate victory.聖經說我們是上帝的兒女,我們要努力過正直的生活,我們會得到最終極的勝利。

This victory is a spiritual victory, which is our salvation. 這勝利是屬靈的勝利,也就是我們得蒙拯救There is no greater victory than that.沒有勝利能比這個更大了。 Remember, this does not mean we earn our salvation through being good. 我們要記得,這不代表我們做好事就可以賺得我們的救恩。However, if we are truly followers of Jesus, we will try our best to live upright lives for God.然而,如果我們是耶穌真正的跟隨者,我們就會盡最大努力,為上帝活出正直的生活。

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